Offers & News

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01 Jun 2023

Today it's Kids' Protection Day!

We have marked this day with a visit to those who need help most of all - to the orphanage in Bila Tserkva. A lot of its residents are safe abroad. And a team of caregivers has accepted into family all those children with special needs from occupied regions of Ukraine.

Ukraine twice spends this day during cruel and unjust war. This reality is that children being under rocket and drone attacks, seeking for a safe shelter. Children are suffering. Children loose their parents. Children die. That's the worst.

Mercure team sincerely wishes all Ukrainian kids peaceful skies, safe and happy childhood, and of course strong health!

We have brought all the necessary stuff - household cleaning and washing stuff, fruits and sweets.

And were given powerful emotions - the kids had a special show program - they read poems, sang songs and danced. We were really touched!

Let our children grow up healthy and happy and give us, adults, hope and sure in peace and bright future of Ukraine!

Victory is ours! Glory to Ukraine!

Mercure Kyiv Congress team
6, V. Hetmana str.

(044) 205 35 20
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