Business has to be unstappable - cause all the Ukrainians work for Victory!
When power outages happen everyday for at least several hours, Kyiv's companies have to find a trusted place for office providing all the operational needs for effective business activity:
- Heating and light;
- Stable Internet connection;
- Water supply;
- A possibility for holding meetings.
Conference halls at Mercure Kyiv Congress hotel are exactly what you need!
Powerful generators provide the property with electricity without interruption, and we always have heating, light, water and internet for effective work.
Comfortable office* at Mercure hotel:
- Choose one of three conference halls with an area of 40m2 each;
- Accommodate up to 15 employees of your company;
- Comfortable office furniture and individual arrangement;
- Business meetings holding;
- Meals for employees.
Standard room on the same floor* as a good bonus for your company!
Simple office rent tarriffs are available:
- UAH 5000 per day;
- UAH 20000 per week;
- UAH 70000 per month
We wish a success and prosperity to your business and peace and victory to Ukraine!
Contact our sales department:
+38 (044) 205 35 34
+38 (067) 507 69 32
+38 (067) 447 97 27
+38 (067) 102 11 67
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* Every day from Mon to Sun, 8 AM - 8 PM.